HAME is celebrating its fifth anniversary with a brand new V.A. release through Bandcamp. What started as a Soundcloud platform has now
turned into a global label with releases from renowned artists from all over the world.

Choosing one of our favorites from the bunch, we go for AOKI takamasa’s 'Pale Light' The Japanese producer was born in 1976 and raised in Osaka. Since releasing his first album, 'SILICOM', in 2001, he has worked internationally as a producer, live performer, and DJ.

The experience and honing of the craft are clearly noticeable on this beautiful piece of ambient and trip-hop electronica. Travelling through different moods with drifty and sinuous sound changes, the track gives you a feeling of being in slow-motion mode!

It is definitely a dreamy track that deserves to be listened to in the right state of mind! We highly recommend checking the rest of the tracks on this V.A and showing support for the label!