DICELESS returns with its highly anticipated fourth instalment, presenting a mesmerizing offering curated by Jamie Dodger, a talented artist originating from the vibrant East London music scene. With masterful precision, Dodger delivers a fresh assortment of UKG party anthems that are sure to enthral both listeners and dancers.

As an innovative producer and DJ, Dodger has devoted more than a decade to refining his craft within the depths of the underground electronic music scene. His distinctive and whimsical sound resonates instantly, reflecting his mischievous and playful nature.

Drawing inspiration from genres such as house, breaks, and hip hop, the standout track ''How To Train Your Snake'' on the A1 side serves as a compelling testament to Jamie's sonic palette. With boasting wobbling basslines, UKG-infused rhythms, and an enchanting Eastern-like melody, the tune possesses all the essential elements to captivate both night reptiles and humans alike, casting a spell over the dancefloor.

Watch out for the imminent release and be sure to check out the rest of the EP!

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