The renowned Ukrainian label managed by Noizar, Wicked Bass, is set to release its 20th record, a product of the dynamic collaboration between Italian artists Lucretio and Omar Akhrif. Lucretio, who is also recognized for his work in The Analogue Cops project, and Verona's very own Omar Akhrif, present an EP filled with quirky synth melodies, gritty bass machinery and tightly controlled rhythms.
Heading to the flipside, we find on the B1 the track titled “Almost Death”, a powerful and discerning acid tool with a strong, unyielding rhythm and powerful percussion. The unsettling vocal interjections evoke a sensation akin to a near-death experience, showcasing the Italian duo's exceptional skill and their ability to harness their musical analogue machinery.
The record is already out on the world wide web and all legit stores, so be sure to grab a copy before it’s gone! Get your copy here!