A series where music lovers share some of their hidden gems.
Number 88 is by Clicklounge (Opium Vilnius, Gallery 1986) , a Lithuanian selector based in Vilnius.
Find the record he shared here.
Tell me about your musical roots
Came across from a pretty much remote area in Lithuania regarding electronic dance music, where there was no background, existence, or roots of such culture, which firstly led me to great DIY parties, gatherings, and activities. It has always been a formula of learning by doing, all the years before I stepped into wider spheres. You get the influence from different digital outcomes and sources, your idols, and then try to reiterate it through your own lens. You collect everything that comes across you, which then pictures a trajectory of your career.
Are there any artists, cultures, or places that particularly influence you?
I am very well fascinated by small collectives, venues, club nights, and movements that sort of have strong values beforehand, before falling into something big and turning cranky at times. Equally, it's a pleasure to see their natural and well-deserved growth.
What speaks to you when you’re searching for new music?
In times like these, where the electronic dance music industry is suffering or there is a lack of certainty, it's hard to stand still and be present. I'd rather formulate the digging process as a journey through sounds not trying to be carried away by ongoing trends, but rather originating your own musical planet. In the end, that is what shapes an artist and makes them unlike others.
Do you have a non-musical activity that inspires you? If so, why?
Discovering and widening my perspective on anything that comes my way throughout the day. It could be the sky, it could be a stranger.
What helps you to take care of your well-being?
Mostly running, 1/2 marathons per year. Mainly jogging but up to many sport activities to clear up my mind & recollect myself.